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Europe & International

I am a tradesman and I want to move to a European Union country. I have been asked for a certificate from France compétences. What do I need to do?


Europe & International

I have a diploma obtained abroad and I would like to come study or work in France. How do I get my diploma recognized here?


Europe & International

How to obtain recognition of a qualification obtained abroad?


Europe & International

For my future studies abroad, I would like to obtain my diploma supplement. I found a Europass certificate supplement on your website, however I need a nominative document. Who can issue me my personal diploma supplement?


Europe & International

What are the differences between the qualification provider and its partners?


Europe & International

Non-acceptance for resumption of studies in a vocational training establishment or a university abroad. What is the procedure to follow?


Europe & International

How to register a qualification (foreign or national) obtained by an individual?


Europe & International

I represent an organisation domiciled abroad. Can I register one of my qualifications in a French national directory?


Europe & International

I represent an organisation domiciled within the European Union. Can we create an account for remote registration in French national directories?


Europe & International

What are the labelling bodies recognized and authorized by France compétences to issue Qualiopi certification?

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